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Rethinking Embryo Research Rules

For more than 35 years, there has been broad international agreement that no scientist can experiment on an embryo that is more than 14 days old. This red line was established as scientific guidance in the United States in 1979, and it was incorporated into British law after the 1984 Warnock inquiry into in vitro fertilization. Other nations, including Australia, Sweden and China, have since adopted the same limit, either in law or through scientific regulation.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Worried About Low Sperm Count? Here’s What to Do Next

Infertility is on the rise in Australia with one in six Australian couples currently experiencing challenges with falling pregnant. Of the causes of infertility, reduced sperm count (and/or quality) accounts for around one third of cases. One of the questions, then, commonly asked of a GP in relation to difficulties with conceiving is what to do about a low sperm count?

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

First Global Tool Developed to Predict and Treat Menopause

Menopause is not the same for every woman although more than half of the Earth’s population will experience menopause if they live long enough. Professor Susan Davis and colleagues from the School of Public Health and Preventative Medicine at Monash University in Australia have developed the first simple tool that can predict the onset of menopause and recommend treatment for symptoms based on the person, the country they live in, and the availability of treatments locally.