Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Fertility Awareness Week: ‘Critics of IVF should look at themselves. Pregnancy is a Fundamental Thing

We have met at the Chelsea clinic of fertility expert Emma Cannon, who supported Nina in her quest to be a mother.  Emma, who set up practice 21 years ago, and who has two teenage girls, is a fierce advocate for motherhood however it comes – from natural conception to the most cutting-edge of IVF methods. After accumulating 50,000 hours of clinical experience, there is little she hasn’t seen or worked with, yet Emma, author of The Baby Making Bible remains frustrated that the human stories behind the medical statistics often get ignored. 

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Intel Quadruples Fertility Benefit

Intel is the latest company to beef up its benefits for parents—and employees who want to become parents.The company announced that, beginning in January 2016, it will quadruple fertility benefits for U.S. employees, going from a lifetime cap of $10,000 for fertility services and $5,000 for related prescription drugs to a $40,000 cap on services and $20,000 for medication. The new policy will also remove the requirement that employees get a medical diagnosis to access the benefits, which has been an impediment for some same-sex couples.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Fertility Tracking Doesn’t Have to Just Be for Getting Pregnant

Many women take advantage of the numerous fertility trackers and apps available when they are trying to get pregnant. But as Kirsten Karchmer, founder of Conceivable, has made clear, successfully planning a pregnancy goes way beyond just monitoring a woman’s cycle and ovulation timing.