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NuvaRing, Yaz, And Third-Generation Contraception: Is The Medical Establishment Failing To Protect Women?

Monday, Vanity Fair published an article questioning why a potentially lethal product, NuvaRing contraception, remains available for sale. Yet the real question is: Why do so many doctors, who fully understand the potential health risks, continue to prescribe life-threatening contraceptives to women?

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

BPA is Still Everywhere, and Mounting Evidence Suggests Harmful Effects

These days the baby aisle shelves are lined with products proudly announcing: “BPA-free.” As a mom and a consumer, this is reassuring. BPA (bisphenol A), a chemical used in the production of plastics and many other products, has been linked to a variety of health problems such as reproductive disorders, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. A 2003-2004 national health survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found BPA in more than 93 percent of 2,517 urine samples from people age 6 and older.