Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

How Iran Became a Leader in Fertility Treatment, Courtesy of the Ayatollahs

Iran is not the first country that comes to mind for its progressive social policies. Homosexuality, for example, is a punishable crime in Iran. Yet, there is one area in which the country has shown a progressive bent: Fertility treatment. Iran is a actually a leader in the field of fertility treatment — attracting couples looking for in vitro fertilization, or IVF, from all over the Middle East. And it’s all due to support from the Ayatollahs.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Transgender People Are Having Kids All Kinds of Ways; Doctors Need to Get Used to It

As more of the estimated 700,000 transgender people in the United States explore new ways to make families, we’re likely to see even more mixes of reproductive parts and social and gender identities of people and their partners—never mind the sperm, eggs, or wombs contributed by third parties.