Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Women Hoping To Become Pregnant Via IVF Should Make Sure Their Vitamin D Levels Are Up

For women struggling with infertility, assisted reproductive technology (ART), including the transfer of fertilized human eggs into a woman’s uterus, commonly referred to as in vitro fertilization (IVF), is often their final solution for becoming pregnant, but even this option does not guarantee 100 percent certainty. A team of Italian researchers has concluded a study suggesting that a deficiency of vitamin D, a steroid hormone that is naturally produced in the skin, may be standing between women undergoing IVF and a successful pregnancy.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Sound of Actual Ticking Clock Can Speed Up Women’s Attitudes on Reproductive Timing

The metaphor of a ticking clock is often used to refer to a woman’s growing urge – from puberty onwards to menopause – to conceive before her childbearing years are over. New research in Springer’s journal Human Nature shows that there’s more truth to this phrase than you might think. The subtle sound of a ticking clock can quite literally speed up a woman’s reproductive timing.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Our Safety Net Is Failing the Impoverished Women Who Need Birth Control

“The number of women needing publicly funded contraceptive services has skyrocketed over the last decade,” Rachel Gold, Guttmacher’s acting vice president for public policy, said in a statement regarding the findings. “But public funding sources — such as the federal Title X program and state revenues — are failing to keep pace with women’s growing needs.”