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It May Be ‘Perfectly Normal’, But It’s Also Frequently Banned

Banned Books Week kicks off Sunday: Each year, the American Library Association takes this week to sponsor events all over the country to talk about the books that shock, offend and generally make Americans uncomfortable. That’s how a sex education book for children, titled It’s Perfectly Normal, became one of the most banned books of the past two decades. The book is meant to teach children 10 and older about sexual health, emotional health and relationships, and contains sections on puberty, pregnancy and sexual orientation.

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Can Cycling Crimp Sex for Men?

With the quiet explosion in popularity of recreational bicycling in the United States, it’s natural that men would wonder about the potential health effects of spending serious time on a bike. Men, research shows, account for almost all the growth in the pastime in the last three decades. A recent study both silences some of the most prevalent fears, which center on sexual dysfunction and infertility, and raises the specter of another. It suggests that prolonged cycling may be linked to higher risks of prostate cancer in men over age 50.

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Surrogates and Couples Face a Maze of Laws, State by State

While surrogacy is far more accepted in the United States than in most countries, and increasing rapidly (more than 2,000 babies will be born through it here this year), it remains, like abortion, a polarizing and charged issue. There is nothing resembling a national consensus on how to handle it and no federal law, leaving the states free to do as they wish.

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Ten Men Explain Why They Became Gynecologists

The male gynecologist can be a polarizing figure: Some women avoid them as a personal policy, while others actively seek them out. Regardless of your stance, though, they’re becoming a rare breed. Nationally, 80% to 90% of people graduating in OB/GYN are women; and at NYU School of Medicine, approximately one out of seven OB/GYN residents are male. But what motivates those who do choose this female-dominated — and female-focused — field?

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Why Do We Treat Infertility Like It’s Just Rich Women’s Problem?

When Ann V. Bell, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Delaware, started combing through infertility research back in 2008, it didn’t take long for her to notice a pretty gaping hole: The existing infertility literature focused almost exclusively on the experience of affluent white women.