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High Cost of Fertility Treatment Sends Many into Debt

Many women who want a baby aren’t letting the high cost of fertility treatments dissuade them—and are carrying loads of debt as a result.A new survey found that 44 percent of women who sought fertility treatment racked up more than $10,000 in debt, with about a third of them using credit cards to finance at least part of that expenditure.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Study Says This Type of Guy Has the Healthiest Sperm

The research suggests that intelligence and humor are biology’s way of attracting a mate. After putting 400 Vietnam War veterans through intense mental tests, the study “found that men who scored high on a battery of intelligence tests boasted high counts of healthy sperm. Whereas, low scorers tended to have fewer and more sickly sperm.”

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Dino-Chicken Gets One Step Closer

Talk of a “chickenosaurus” lit up the science world last week when researchers announced they had modified the beak of a chicken embryo to resemble the snout of its dinosaur ancestors. But although some experts have lauded the feat, a beak is just one of many modifications needed to revert a chicken into a dinosaur. Given these obstacles, how close are scientists to creating a dino-chicken?

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Investigating the Benefits of ‘Sticky Sperm’ for IVF

Scientists from the University of Leeds are investigating whether a molecule usually found in moisturisers and skin creams could improve IVF success rates in the UK. Embryologists running a clinical trial at the University are investigating whether hyaluronic acid, normally found in beauty products which are designed to maintain elasticity in the skin and keep hair and joints hydrated, helps sperm stick to the human egg when it is released from the ovary.