Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

These States are Having the Safest (and Least Safe) Sex

According to Trojan, states were scored on two measures of safer sex: sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and contraception. For STD rates, HIV, gonorrhea, and syphilis rates per every 100,000 citizens was examined, as well as the percentage of adults in the state who reported ever receiving an HIV test.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Why Fertility Treatment Deserves state Funding

Recently I attended a “summit meeting” in Washington to discuss means of improving access to fertility treatment globally for those who need it.Delegates had to apply to attend this conference and my raison d’etre was that I work in Ireland, one of only three countries in the EU where fertility treatments such as IUI or IVF are not funded by the State.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Ruling Sets Up New Review of Religious Objections to Contraceptive Mandate

A federal appeals court ruling Thursday could lead to a new Supreme Court test of the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive mandate, examining whether the Obama administration has done enough to accommodate the objections of religiously affiliated nonprofit organizations such as universities, hospitals and charities.