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Caffeine Intake — Even Dad’s — Linked to Miscarriage

A couple’s risk of miscarriage may rise when the woman or man consumes more than two caffeinated drinks a day in the weeks leading up to conception, a new study suggests. Risk of miscarriage also may increase if the mother-to-be drinks more than two caffeinated beverages daily during the first seven weeks of pregnancy, the researchers found.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Common Chemicals Linked to Endometriosis, Fibroids — and Healthcare Costs

Hormone-disrupting chemicals are everywhere — in plastics, pesticides and makeup — and two of them, phthalates and DDE, have been particularly strongly linked with common female reproductive conditions, such as fibroids.
In a new study, researchers estimate that the problems caused by these two chemicals alone could cost the European Union at least 1.41 billion euros a year, the U.S. equivalent of about $1.58 billion.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Menstrual Pain May be an Early Sign of Endometriosis

For the millions of women, and especially young teenage women, who suffer each month with moderate to severe pelvic pain associated with their menstrual cycle, the vast majority have been told that it is normal. They have been told this by their doctors, their relatives, their teachers, and the media. Products to alleviate period-related cramping, pain, and headaches all underscore the inevitability of suffering.