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The Never-ending Saga of the Obamacare Contraception Mandate

The long saga of the Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate — which requires that contraception be covered as part of private health plans — took another turn at the Supreme Court today. And the Court — which, don’t forget, is still divided 4-4 between liberals and conservatives — sent it back down to the appeals courts, essentially telling them to find a solution to this problem that the religiously-affiliated organizations in this case will find acceptable, practically begging them to be reasonable while doing everything it can to make sure their tender feelings aren’t hurt.

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Human-embryo Editing Now Covered by Stem-cell Guidelines

The international society that represents stem-cell scientists has updated its research guidelines in the wake of dramatic progress in several fields — in particular in research that involves the manipulation of human embryos. The authors hope that the updated guidelines will allay various ethical concerns, and avoid the need for strict government regulations that could impede the progress of science.