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Mitochondrial DNA Levels as A Marker Of Embryo Viability In IVF

A new approach to embryo assessment described at this year’s Annual Meeting of ESHRE may be able to shed light on why so many apparently healthy embryos are not viable. The approach is based on the quantification of mitochondrial DNA found in the outermost layer of cells in a five-day old embryo. The combination of chromosome analysis and mitochondrial assessment may now represent the most accurate and predictive measure of embryo viability with great potential for improving IVF outcome.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Trying to Conceive? Any Position Will Do – But it Does Help if You Orgasm

When it comes to getting pregnant, any sexual position will do, a leading fertility expert has claimed. And there is no need, as many women believe, to ‘cycle with their legs in the air’ afterwards. Allan Pacey, Professor of Andrology at Sheffield University, who advises couples on how best to conceive made his comments at the ESHRE fertility conference in Helsinki.

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Endometrial Scratch Appears Beneficial in Couples Trying to Conceive

There is a much disputed claim that “injury” to the lining of the uterus — whether inadvertent or deliberate — increases the chance of embryo implantation and thus the chance of pregnancy in certain groups of women having IVF. The “injury” has usually been performed as a biopsy from the womb lining (endometrium), whose action is believed to cause a favourable inflammation (“scratch”) within the endometrium thereby making it more receptive to an implanting embryo. Indeed, the success of more complex uterine surgery in some studies has even been attributed to the scratch and not to the surgery itself.

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Supreme Court Rejects Religious Objections to Sale of Contraceptives

Conservatives were disappointed and liberals were encouraged by the Supreme Court decision Tuesday to reject an appeal in a case involving the sale of emergency contraceptives and religious liberty. In effect, the high court let stand a July 2015 lower court ruling that a Washington State statute was OK to protect women’s access to contraceptives.

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Male Mitochondrial DNA Found to Self-Destruct After Arrival in Embryo

A team of researchers with members from Taiwan, the U.S., China and Japan has found that mitochondrial DNA from sperm that makes its way into an embryo begins to self-destruct before autophagosomes in the cytoplasm can reach it. In their paper published in the journal Science, the researchers describe their study involving the close monitoring of male mitochondrial DNA activity immediately after an embryo has been fertilized and as it is subsequently destroyed—they also offer some theories regarding why this occurs.

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Supreme Court Strikes Down Abortion Restrictions in Texas

The Supreme Court has overturned a Texas law requiring clinics that provide abortions to have surgical facilities and doctors to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. The law was predicted to close many clinics and further reduce availability of abortion in Texas; the court has ruled the law violated the Constitution.