Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Safety First: MPs Are In a Quandary Over a Vote on a New IVF Technique

It has been a long-standing rule in fertility treatment that no
scientist should attempt to modify the genes of a human embryo if that
modification can be passed on to subsequent generations through the
“germline” – the eggs and sperm of the future person. Now Parliament is
about to consider another form of germline modification, so-called
“three-parent embryos”, this time involving the genes of the
mitochondria, described as the tiny “power packs” of the cell, which
exist outside the nucleus.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Researchers Reconstruct Early Stages of Embryo Development

Researchers at the University of Cambridge have managed to reconstruct the early stage of mammalian development using embryonic stem cells, showing that a critical mass of cells – not too few, but not too many – is needed for the cells to being self-organising into the correct structure for an embryo to form.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Hiring a Woman for Her Womb

People unable to bear children have increasingly turned to women who bear children for them, often by transferring an embryo created by in-vitro fertilization. Because legal and social views on surrogacy vary from nation to nation (and even state to state), prospective parents often engage surrogates in the United States and in developing countries. Controversy has clouded this issue.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

An Embryonic Cell’s Fate is Sealed by the Speed of a Signal

When embryonic cells get the signal to specialize the call can come quickly. Or it can arrive slowly. Now, new research from Rockefeller University suggests the speed at which a cell in an embryo receives that signal has an unexpected influence on that cell’s fate. Until now, only concentration of the chemical signals was thought to matter in determining if the cell would become, for example, muscle, skin, brain or bone.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Gene Crucial For Embryo Implantation Discovered; May Offer Important Insight Into Variety Of Infertility Issues

A study led by researchers from the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center has identified a crucial molecular key to healthy embryo implantation and pregnancy. The gene, called Wnt5a, was found to be absolutely critical for the healthy embryo implantation in the uterus wall, according to a press release.