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Counting the Cost of Infertility Treatment

Although the demand for infertility treatment is rising, the high cost may deter some couples from seeking care. Researchers from the University of California-San Francisco assessed direct out-of-pocket costs for couples undergoing fertility treatment. Those using medication only had the lowest out-of-pocket expenses at $912, while those using in vitro fertilization (IVF) had the highest at $19,234. The results, published in The Journal of Urology®, will help inform couples who seek infertility care and the physicians who counsel them.

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The Growth of Egg Donation Services and Infertility Treatment in South Africa

The use of egg donation for fertility treatment in South Africa has grown phenomenally, especially over the last five years. South Africa is a sought after destination for infertility treatment, especially from the African countries, Australia, Europe and increasingly, the Americas. The right to anonymity for egg donors, well-established processes and guidelines, affordability and very importantly, the availability of donor eggs have driven this growth.

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Twins Are First Babies Born Using Tricare IVF Benefit

Ryan and Alana Matayka are just five-months-old, but they’ve already made history. The twins are the first children born via in vitro fertilization that was paid for by a new Tricare benefit. The benefit covers infertility treatment for severely injured service members.

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Fertility Loan Fund Pays it Forward

Alan and Emily Feit tried four times to have a child through in vitro fertilization (IVF), an infertility treatment that can cost well over $10,000 per attempt. On the fifth try, however, they ended up with twins — and now they want to help others in similar situations.The San Fernando Valley couple has provided $100,000 in seed money to create the Feit 4 Kidz Fertility Loan Fund through the Jewish Free Loan Association (JFLA), which provides interest-free microloans to Southern California residents.

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Another Painful Period…Or A Problem? Understanding Endometriosis

EndometriosisFor some women, painful periods are a part of life. But many women experiencing painful periods do not know their pain is signaling a larger health issue.

Approximately 176 million women and girls worldwide are diagnosed with the chronic disease endometriosis. Many women do not know they have endometriosis because some can only be diagnosed through surgery.

In honor of National Endometriosis Awareness Month this March, we are seeking to empower and educate women on this disease.

The cause of endometriosis remains unknown, and a permanent cure may be difficult. Building awareness of this disease is critical in aiding effective diagnoses, pain management and infertility treatment for women.

What is endometriosis?

Every month during menstruation, a woman sheds the endometrial lining in her uterus. When the endometrium tissue normally found in the uterus grows outside the uterus or in other places of the body, it is known as endometriosis.

Each month, endometrial tissue continues to break down and shed as it would during a normal menstrual cycle. Endometrial tissue in other parts of the body follows the same pattern, causing period-like symptoms such as cramps and discomfort. Without the ability to drain through the uterus as it would during menstruation, the endometrial tissue is released into the body, causing pain, inflammation, and scar tissue. Read full article.