Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Caffeine Intake — Even Dad’s — Linked to Miscarriage

A couple’s risk of miscarriage may rise when the woman or man consumes more than two caffeinated drinks a day in the weeks leading up to conception, a new study suggests. Risk of miscarriage also may increase if the mother-to-be drinks more than two caffeinated beverages daily during the first seven weeks of pregnancy, the researchers found.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Nine Signs You Might Be Infertile

Even if you’re not thinking about having children or becoming pregnant any time soon, it’s not a bad idea to learn how to spot the signs that you might be infertile or have fertility issues. Fertility problems are much more common — in both men and women — than you might think: the CDC reports that 6.7 million American women are either unable to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term. Additionally, the CDC reports that 7.5 percent of all sexually experienced men under the age of 45 in the U.S. have seen a medical professional regarding fertility issues — meaning that 3.3 to 4.7 million American men have sought help with fertility in their lifetimes.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Where Do the 2016 Candidates Stand on Contraception?

Access to safe and effective birth control is part of health care for tens of millions of Americans. The vast majority of Americans view birth control as “morally acceptable,” and make sharp distinctions between approval for methods of preventing pregnancy, and methods of terminating it.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Female Sterilization: Why Are So Many Women Getting Their Tubes Tied, And Why Aren’t Men Doing The Same?

Many women across the globe struggle with fertility: Some try to become pregnant but can’t, others are persistently unsuccessful at in vitro fertilization, and many experience the heartbreak of miscarriage. While these women strive for motherhood, others inhabit the opposite end of the fertility spectrum, hoping to avoid pregnancy at any cost — even if it means permanently closing the door to birthing children. Becoming sterile, though stigmatized throughout history, is no longer viewed as the loss of a woman’s femininity, purpose, or worth in most places. Rather, it’s a conscious choice many women make to gain absolute control over their reproductive systems.

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To the Shock of No One, Catholic Church Says Contraception Still Banned Amid Zika Outbreak

While the Zika virus continues to spread through Latin
America and doctors investigate the link between the infection and a birth
defect known as microcephaly, some countries have advised that women put off
getting pregnant for the time being. It can be hard enough to get some of the
most effective types of birth control in places like El Salvador, and now some
women might end up feeling shamed by the Catholic Church for wanting to prevent

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Utah Doctors: Air pollution Harms Unborn, Lowers Fertility

 Love is in the air this time of year. But for young couples
looking to start a family, there is something else in the air that may hinder
that pursuit. Recent studies have linked exposure to urban air pollution with
stillbirth, preterm birth, birth defects and low birthweight. City smog is also
tied, physicians say, to pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia,
premature membrane rupture and intrauterine growth restriction — a condition
that occurs when the fetus does not receive adequate support from the mother
via the placenta, resulting in extremely low birthweight. 

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Make Surrogacy Legal in New York

If you live in New York and were born without a uterus, or you may have a medical condition that makes pregnancy life-threatening, or your cancer has rendered you sterile, or you are a man with a male partner or your medical condition causes miscarriage after miscarriage, you are out of luck. New York is about the worst place for you to be. Your only hope is to build your family, at far greater expense and emotional burden, with the help of carrier in surrogacy-friendly state live Connecticut, Massachusetts, or even Georgia or Texas.

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What Cancer & Infertility Have Taught Me About Womanhood

At 21, I was now faced with the fact that I would probably never experience a pregnancy. One week prior to this, I had been a busy, working, young college graduate. Today, I was a woman whose dreams were getting further out of reach by the minute. My oncologist had sent me to a fertility doctor to see if we could freeze my eggs for future use. The doctor completed an unpleasant vaginal ultrasound, determined that my eggs were safe to harvest, and told me I had to decide what I was going to do with my eggs within the few days that remained before I started chemo.