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The Donor Talk: When Kids Have a Sperm Donor

All three of our kids were conceived using sperm from the same anonymous open donor. We had a lot of reasons for choosing our donor, ranging from the frivolous (like me, his favorite sports team is the Red Sox and he loves mint chocolate chip ice cream), to the more practical, such as traits we hoped would make way into our kids (intelligent, artistic, and athletic). Ultimately, we chose our particular donor because he sounded a lot like me, physically and in terms of personality. Even though I knew my kids would not be genetically related to me, I was hoping I might see myself in their eyes if I chose a donor similar to me.

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What Is IUI?

Intrauterine insemination is a fertility treatment that’s minimally invasive and less costly than in vitro fertilization (IVF). It’s used for several key reasons. In particular, it’s used in cases of sluggish, or slow moving sperm, donor sperm, and unexplained infertility, according to the American Pregnancy Association. Additionally, Resolve, The National Infertility Association noted that IUI is ideal for women who find sex painful or undesirable, but still want to have a live birth.

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Decoy Eggs Used to Provide Birth Control for Mice

Scientists have created a novel method of contraception, using polymer beads coated in a special protein as “decoy” eggs in mice. In experiments described in Science Translational Medicine, researchers deposited the beads in the uteruses of mice. When the mice mated, sperm cells bound themselves to the fake eggs, preventing the real eggs from being fertilized. The scientists from the National Institutes of Health say it’s extremely unlikely the beads would be used in their current form as human contraception, but that they do show promise as a better way to select sperm for use in fertility treatments.

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Dead Man’s Sperm

The patient is dead. He has, in fact, been so for a while—over 30 hours, according to his chart—but some of him survives. What the doctor has extracted is a liquid that can create life. An incredible substance that is neither person nor property; simultaneously so abundant yet valuable that we still haven’t quite figured out how to treat it. It is the dead man’s sperm.

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Sperm Donor Lied About Criminal and Mental Health History, Lawsuit Alleges

He was handsome and healthy, with several degrees and a genius-level IQ. On paper, Donor 9623 embodied the best genetics had to offer. At least 36 children were born using his donated sperm. According to a lawsuit filed by three families, it took almost 14 years before the donor’s true identity was revealed: A schizophrenic college dropout with a felony conviction.