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Hormone therapy for men results in weight loss

HOUSTON, June 24 (UPI) — Men using testosterone replacement therapy experienced significant weight loss, researchers in Germany found.

Lead author of Bayer Pharma in Berlin said previous research showed testosterone-deficient men consistently show changes in body composition, but the net effect on weight seemed unchanged. However, in the current study had a longer follow-up by at least two years and used long-acting injections of testosterone.

The investigators restored testosterone to normal levels in 255 testosterone-deficient men, whose average age was nearly 61. Treatment lasted for up to five years, with injections given at day one, after six weeks and then every 12 weeks after that. Patients did not follow a controlled diet or standard exercise program but received advice to improve their lifestyle habits.

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Male Equivalent of Menopause: MANopause

The official term for manopause is andropause. Men with this condition suffer from lower-than-normal levels of testosterone.  According to various studies, this condition affects 20 to 30 percent of all men.  Unlike menopause, which usually runs its course in a few years, andropause can last for decades.