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What Antonin Scalia’s Death Could Mean For Birth Control & The Upcoming Supreme Court Case

On Saturday, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed
away unexpectedly while on a trip to Texas. Justice Scalia, who was the
longest-serving member on the bench at the time of his death, was appointed by
President Ronald Reagan and confirmed unanimously by the U.S. Senate in 1986.
Not surprisingly, the conservative justice’s death has been highly politicized,
particularly in the context of what Scalia’s vote on an upcoming birth control
case could have meant for President Obama’s health care law and women’s health
issues in general. 

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Supreme Court Upholds Obama’s Health-Care Law

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. on Thursday joined the Supreme Court’s liberals to save the heart of President Obama’s landmark health-care law, agreeing that the requirement for nearly all Americans to secure insurance is permissible under Congress’s taxing authority.

The court’s 5 to 4 ruling was a stunning legal conclusion to a battle that has consumed American politics for two years. Roberts’s compromise offered a dramatic victory for Obama and Democrats’ decades-long effort to enact a health-care law and a bitter defeat for Republicans and tea party activists, who had uniformly opposed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Read full article.