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Sperm Bank Sued After Donor Details Emerge 7 Years Later

He was good on paper: Eloquent, mature, healthy and smart to boot. That’s why Angela Collins and Margaret Elizabeth Hanson say they chose Donor 9623 to be the biological father of their child.Then last June, almost seven years after Collins gave birth to a son conceived with his sperm, they got a batch of emails from the sperm bank that unexpectedly — and perhaps mistakenly — included the donor’s name. That set them on a sleuthing mission that quickly revealed he is schizophrenic, dropped out of college and had been arrested for burglary, they said in a lawsuit filed March 31 in Atlanta.

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Sperm Bank Moving Next To Big Florida University To Tap Donor Pool

A leading sperm bank is relocating its headquarters next to a Florida university with the second-highest student enrollment in the United States in hopes of tapping into its large pool of healthy, well-educated potential donors, the company said. Cryos, a privately owned company with offices in New York and Denmark, will on April 6 complete its move to Orlando, with offices located less than a mile (1.6 km) from the University of Central Florida, which enrolled almost 61,000 students for the 2014-15 academic year.

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A Sperm Bank Just For Supersmart People

It sounds like the plot of a Hollywood movie: An eccentric millionaire creates a sperm bank with donations from only extraordinary men — Nobel laureates, an Olympic athlete and geniuses with off-the-chart IQs. The mission? To create a generation of smarter, healthier, more productive members of society. But this was no movie plot. This actually happened.

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Opinion: Wrong Sperm, Right Baby: So Why Sue?

Jennifer Cramblett of Uniontown, Ohio, is the mother of an adorable 2-year-old girl named Payton, whom she and her partner call a “dream come true” and love with all their heart. “She’s made us the people that we are,” Cramblett says. “Never trade it for the world.”If that’s the case, Payton will doubtless wonder, once she’s old enough to Google her own name, why did Cramblett sue the Chicago-area sperm bank that enabled her to get pregnant with her wonderful daughter?

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Are Vince Vaughn’s 533 Children In ‘Delivery Man’ Possible? We Asked Science

By now, if you own a television and watch it occasionally, you’ve seen the promos for Friday’s “Delivery Man,” wherein a “lawyer from a sperm bank” breaks the news to Vince Vaughn’s protagonist character that due to some sort of clerical error, he is the biological father of 533 children out in the world.