Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

US Warms to Surrogacy as “Womb-for-rent” Scandals Prompt Crackdowns in Asia

In countries like India, Thailand and Nepal, authorities have become so alarmed by “womb-for-rent” scandals that they have cracked down on commercial surrogacy businesses. But in the U.S., state legislative efforts seem aimed at permitting the practice, not banning it.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

India Seeks to Regulate Its Booming ‘Rent-a-Womb’ Industry

India opened up to commercial surrogacy in 2002. It is among just a handful of countries – including Georgia, Russia, Thailand and Ukraine – and a few U.S. states where women can be paid to carry another’s genetic child through a process of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer.